Tactical Medicine is a three-level FPS game where you navigate a human body, shoot enemies, and locate green spiky tumours around the body. Once loaded in a level, you can move around and select four different weapons using a pistol, submachine gun, grenade and sniper to defeat enemies.

Enemies can shoot back and if your health reaches 0, you die and restart the level. Certain doors require keys which you must find scattered around the level. You can also get power-ups like the fruit that grants more health and ammo modules that grant more ammo. You beat the level once you find and walk into the green spiky tumour.


W - Hold to move forward

A - Hold to move left 

S - Hold to move back

D - Hold to move right

SPACE - Tap to jump

LEFT SHIFT - Hold to sprint

LEFT CLICK - Tap or hold to fire weapon

MOUSE - Move your mouse around the screen to look around

R - Reload weapon

1 - AC Magnum Pistol

2 - SMG 023

3 - High Explosives Capsule

4 - MCA 778 Sniper Rifle

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